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OAT IT Asset Tracking

Physically monitoring IT assets across multiple data centers can be challenging. Manually-intensive processes, such as maintenance tracking, contract management and auditing take time away from supporting the customer and increase operational risk.

OAT IT Asset Tracking provides real-time visibility into the location of physical assets as they move from one rack to another, are removed from service for maintenance, or leave the facility. The solution provides out-of-the box tools to automate data center operations and real-time enable asset management, service management and contract management systems, leveraging Wi-Fi and Auto-ID technology.

OAT real-time enabled a Fortune 50 Company’s Data Center operations, providing real-time status of controlled data assets, error-proofing check-in and check-out processes and simplifying the management of internal controls.


  • Automates check-in/check-out of physical assets, confirming receipt of new equipment against purchasing contracts
  • Alerts staff when asset is placed in the wrong location or is about to leave the facility
  • Instantly locates malfunctioning equipment
  • Automatically tracks and updates equipment location, maintenance and leasing schedules


  • Improves asset monitoring and service levels
  • Reduces operational risk by strengthening internal controls
  • Minimizes the risk of asset theft or loss
  • Easily integrates with existing systems and infrastructure
Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)