service Identify Business Value OAT Professional Services

Value Illustrator

Bringing clarity to your RFID strategy

OATSystems’ implementation team draws upon its extensive experience of over 200 deployments of RFID-based solutions, resulting in an unmatched set of capabilities to address each customer’s unique needs.  This base of expertise means that OATSystems can deliver customer solutions faster and at a lower total cost than other RFID providers.

With its Value Illustrator workshop, OAT provides a realistic grasp of how RFID can make an impact on your business and a sound strategy for moving forward. Covering a series of workshops over 1-2 months, the Value Illustrator is based on a rigorous methodology to identify business value from RFID.

Potential opportunities are run through a series of filtering exercises to qualify and prioritize the processes targeted for improvement. Projections of RFID value can be confirmed with pilots that demonstrate proof of concept for a small-scale investment in time and effort. You get a clear idea, of where the ROI will come from (and when), and how to take advantage of the evolving RFID ecosystem.

OAT then helps you create a prioritized list of business value opportunities as well as a clear RFID action plan. The workshop culminates with presentation of the RFID action plan to senior management, providing what they need to know in terms of:
  • The clarity of your RFID strategy
  • Places to look for value (with measurable ROI)
  • Next steps
  • Budgets

Contact OAT to learn more about how Value Illustrator can identify RFID’s value for your business.