OATSystems' Technology - Flexible Achitecture
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Flexible Architecture

Minimize IT Infrastructure Costs

Flexible architecture is unique to the OAT Foundation Suite, enabling organizations to implement best practice Auto-ID and sensor applications and flexibly deploy them on any combination RFID readers, edge controllers, premises and enterprise servers. This flexibility provides rapid and cost-effective deployment, enabling customers to leverage existing IT infrastructure and to innovate as new technologies evolve.

The diagram below illustrates two flexible deployment options in a manufacturing environment which minimize IT infrastructure costs:

  • low cost devices on a production line communicating with a central server
  • factory floor devices communicating directly with a central server through local controllers

Flexible architecture enables customers to mitigate the risk of locking their business processes into a single architecture approach and enables users to innovate new and more effective ways of implementing their real-time enabled business processes.


  • Device-independent deployment, supporting Auto-ID (active & passive RF, UWB), Wi-Fi, RTLS, GPS and other sensor technologies
  • Provides fail-over capability to support mission critical operations
  • Tunes IT infrastructure precisely to business needs
  • Requires writing applications only once, for deployment anywhere in the enterprise
  • Provides actionable information directly to shop floor, sales floor, loading dock…

The OAT Foundation Suite makes it easy for companies to implement real-time enabled applications in an SOA environment and integrate with existing business applications. OATenterprise provides centralized management of distributed Auto-ID and sensor deployments. OATdevice manager supports a wide range of Auto-ID, Wi-Fi, RTLS, GPS devices and sensors and monitors device status across the enterprise, regardless of location OATdesigner provides companies with a single, seamless design environment to manage all RFID-centric business processes across the various deployment options – devices, controllers, premises and enterprise servers. OATxpress provides a library of best practice RFID applications, based on years of deployment expertise, which are pre-configured to run directly on different deployment options including low-cost edge controller devices.

Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)