value chain solutionsmanufacturing solutionsAsset Trackingreusable asset trackingautomated good receipt directed putaway line-side replenishmentcontainer pedigreesource taggingwork in processATA Spec 2000Tool Trackingdistribution solutionssales & service solutionsOAT Solutions A-Z

OAT Manufacturing Solutions

OAT Manufacturing Solutions add real-time visibility to ERP, WMS, MES and supply chain execution systems, automating and error-proofing plant floor operations.

“Each product requires over 50 barcode scans during assembly. Each scan takes 12 seconds. Add up the labor and you’re saving 10 minutes of assembly from each unit with Auto-ID technology”

– Construction and Mining Equipment Manufacturer

OAT Manufacturing Solutions include Reusable Asset Tracking to track reusable containers, along with the products and components they contain, across multiple assembly processes and facilities. Source Tagging and Inbound Receiving improve supply chain execution by tracking goods at the start of the value chain. On the plant floor, Line-side Replenishment and Work-in-Process automatically track each step of the assembly process and ensure that required components are on hand.

By real-time enabling existing enterprise systems, processes and IT infrastructure, OAT Manufacturing Solutions enable you to optimize your operations quickly and cost-effectively.

Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)