IndustriesApparelaerospace & defenseRFID in Aviation ATA 2000 Solutions Tool TrackingA350 Supplier Packagesautomotivechemicalsconsumer productshealthcareindustrial machinery & ComponentsOil and Gas


Automotive OEMs and suppliers are under increasing pressure to innovate while minimizing operating costs and cost of goods sold. Auto-ID technology provides the necessary visibility and measurability to drive tangible process improvement and cost savings.


Automotive manufacturing processes may involve dozens of suppliers and tens of thousands of individual components. Real-time visibility automates and error-proofs manual receiving and assembly processes, helping to prevent issues from propagating downstream. Automated Goods Receipt tracks major components and subassemblies before they are shipped, in transit and at the receiving dock, preventing shipping errors, expedite costs and production delays. Directed Putaway automates warehousing putaway with Auto-ID technology, reducing handling time, process errors and labor costs.

OAT real-time enabled an Automotive Manufacturer’s Kanban system, eliminating a 15% error rate from barcode scans and reducing labor costs and inventory by automatically updating stock levels in the Manufacturer’s SAP system.


Automotive assembly can take place at multiple facilities, and painting processes preclude the use of barcodes for work-in-process tracking. Reusable Asset Tracking, Line-Side Replenishment and Work-in Process Tracking provide real-time visibility for ERP and MES systems with Auto-ID Technology by:

  • Tracking Reusable Transport Items (RTIs) associated with work orders and customer orders through receipt, assembly and shipment
  • Confirming components by comparing each part against the bill of materials
  • Confirming progress of each work order as assembly progresses from one stage to the next
  • Enabling more efficient line sequencing for individual batches and materials
  • Tracking tools and equipment across the facility, eliminating manual check-in & check-out processes and production delays due to lost equipment
  • Setting audible and visual alerts to prevent containers and parts from being delivered to the wrong location


Automotive manufacturers manage materials, components and finished goods across multiple facilities, increasing the probability of shipping and receiving errors. Auto-ID enabled processes can automatically track items once they pass through checkpoints within facilities, in transit, and at final destination. Reusable Asset Tracking and Automated Goods Receipt real-time enable ERP and WMS systems to track shipping containers, customer orders and delivery vehicles by:

  • Preventing mis-shipments and make-goods, so less on-hand inventory is required at each location
  • Increasing product velocity, leading to higher cash flow
  • Improving customer satisfaction

Beyond the walls of the manufacturing facility, OAT Yard Management provides real-time visibility into yard operations leveraging Auto-ID, Wi-Fi, GPS and RTLS technology.

Sales & Service

Tracking finished goods beyond the four walls of a manufacturing facility can be particularly challenging. Real-time enabling WMS, Logistics and Asset Management systems with Auto-ID, Wi-Fi, GPS and RTLS technology can provide critical visibility to sales and service operations.

OAT Yard Management provides automated tracking & reliable identification of high-value finished goods, with multiple variations and configurations, ensuring the exact model is on hand when the customer is ready to buy.

Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)