Retail Consumer Real-time Promotion Execution Out of Stocks Auto Tagging Industrial

Out of Stock Analysis and Prevention

Eliminating “Phantom Inventory” and Empty Shelves

Studies show that out of stock items represent billions of dollars in lost sales annually. But empty shelves occur for various reasons – delays in moving product to the sales floor, insufficient orders, and other factors.

OAT delivers RFID-enabled solutions that identify, diagnose, and prevent out of stock conditions, removing uncertainty from in-store inventories and preventing lost sales for retailers and suppliers.

Out of Stock Analysis:
Items are tagged and monitored at selected stores, using OAT analytic tools to examine EPC and POS data and identify anomalies leading to out of stock conditions. Findings include the dollar impact of out of stocks, areas for improvement, and the business case for RFID-enabled processes.

Out of Stock Prediction:
OAT’s real-time out of stock solution predicts phantom inventory and resulting lost revenues. Rather than a static snapshot of products on the shelf and at different locations in the supply chain, retailers get a running status of what cases are stocked in the back room or taken to the sales floor.

As product is sold, re-stocking alerts and replenishment orders are generated automatically based on knowledge of items on the shelf (from POS transactions) and in the back room (from tag reads of product received). Preventing out of stocks becomes a proactive process – rather than reacting to empty shelves.

Barcode - Passive RFID - Active RFID - Ultra Wide Band RF (UWB) - Wi-Fi - RTLS - RFID-enhanced EAS - Location Servers - GPS - Application Sensors (e.g. Stack Lights, PLCs, alarms...)