company informationReal-Time Enabling Enterprise Systems ResultsOAT CustomersAuto-ID Innovation Industry StandardsOAT Management


As important as experience and technology are, it is the tangible results that OAT delivers for customers OAT that earns the company its reputation and leadership position in the marketplace.  For example:

  • A Heavy Equipment Manufacturer saved over $200K per year for a single manufacturing process through real-time visibility of Reusable Transport Items (RTIs).
  • A Fashion Retailer realized a 6% increase in sales as a result of achieving item-level visibility throughout the supply chain and into its stores.
  • An Aerospace Manufacturer real-time enabled a warehouse logistics processes and significantly reduced both on-hand inventory and handling costs. Overall, the company experienced was a 75% reduction in handling time with goods receipt.
  • An Electronics Manufacturer reduced safety stock of finished products by 17% and moved closer to perfect order fulfillment

To learn more about the potential return on investment (ROI) for your operation in RFID-enabling please click here.

“We have been impressed by the level of collaboration between SAP and OAT.  The resulting interfaces enable us to standardize our RFID infrastructure with the two leaders in the market, minimize our cost of ownership and improve our RFID business integration capabilities.” 

– IT Director, Fortune 500 Manufacturer