OATSystems.com -  RFID Work-in-Process and Asset Tracking
asset tracking - work-in-progress sample use cases reporting manufacturers

Real-Time Reporting and Alerts

OAT’s Asset Tracking and Work-in-Process solutions provide unmatched insights through a wide range of reports, including:

  • EPC movements
    - product summaries
    - site-to-site movement analysis
    - track and trace
  • Interactive timeline reports
    - dwell time by product
    - route times
    - week-to-week trends
  • Logistics reports
    - shipment receiving
    - order receiving
    - exception analysis
  • Inventory reports
    - product flow and availability
    - WIP
    - finished goods
  • Asset reports
    - utilization
    - uptime/downtime
    - location
  • RFID performance
    - read rates by read point

As materials move from facility to facility, key components, tools and completed orders are more likely to be misplaced, creating manufacturing choke points and dissatisfied customers. With real-time alerts, sent directly to a handheld reader, web browser or stack light, manufacturers are notified immediately when:

  • a process step is missed
  • an order is mis-shipped
  • an asset is moved to the wrong facility
  • asset contents are due to expire

All alerts are configurable to mirror specific business processes.

"Most supply chains are riddled with blind spots. Most service parts supply chains don’t react to a problem until it hits the customer—and by then it’s too late. Spotting problems sooner makes them easier to avoid. And leaves you with many more options."

– Deloitte & Touche USA Manufacturing Practice